I lost access to this blog in my ME fog.
Hopefully I have secured access, and can start to post again a little.
It's been interesting to read back, and see the progress I have made, and yet many things that stay the same.
I'm more careful with my energy, more likely to say no to things, and much more likely to ask for help. I don't think my available energy has increased, but I have become physically stronger, so it takes less energy to do things than it did a few years ago.
My blue parking badge has made a world of difference to me, as now I can drive places on my own, secure in the knowledge that I can park close by. A wheeled walker is also always with me. It gives me security that I can walk with less chance of tripping due to my sciatica and back injury, and also I always have a place to sit down! It took a huge effort to actually use it, as I feel very self conscious, but it is so useful for distances of more than a few yards. I do still use the stick when I can, especially when going in and out of small shops, as it's so embarrassing to get stuck on a shop display!